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Not All Solar Panels are Created Equal

Our Mission

The Alliance consists of companies across the solar PV value chain and other stakeholders committed to expanded market awareness and deployment of ultra low-carbon PV to accelerate reductions in solar supply chain GHG emissions.

Who We Are

Globally, solar PV deployment is expanding rapidly because of its superior greenhouse gas performance vs. fossil fuel-based electricity. However, not all solar panels are created equal. Differences in PV supply chain emissions (“embodied” carbon) can have a substantial impact on the greenhouse gas emissions avoided by solar projects. The use of materials with lower embodied carbon in PV panels can reduce the carbon footprint of solar systems by 50 percent, regardless of where the panels are produced.

Hemlock Semiconductor First Solar Q Cells Recsilicon NorSun Nexwafe Norweigan Crystals Meyer Burger Cubic PV Solarge Wacker Origami Solar Ubiquity Solar Smart Solar Technologies Heliene Oxford PV


Michael Parr

Executive Director